Gestalt Therapy
The basis of how I work is based on the theory and practice of Gestalt therapy. The objective of Gestalt therapy is to enable people to live a flexible and creative life free from patterns of ‘fixed’ behaviour that can reduce self growth and a sense of satisfaction in their lives. Gestalt therapy is a holistic, experiential and relational way of working with clients. The foundation of Gestalt therapy is based on awareness. This means that I support you in raising your awareness about how you are living your life, ‘who you are’ in relationship with others and what choices you are you making. In being more aware, Gestalt therapy can help you make a more positive and meaningful future as well as build a richer personal world with relationships that are fulfilling
The Gestalt Approach
to Change
“Change occurs when one becomes what he is, not when he tries to become what he is not.”
Arnold Beisser
A Here and Now Approach
to Past Pain
A Holistic Approach
Awareness, Mindfulness
and Meditation
“Psychotherapy is a specific type of enriched environment that promotes social and emotional development, neural integration and the processing of complexity”. Cozolino
Gestalt Therapy is Relational
Gestalt Therapy is Experimental
Gestalt Therapy is Existential
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