If you have a complaint or grievance I am committed to resolving your issue in a fair, timely and efficient manner.
Aims of the Complaints Procedure
- To enable a complaint to be investigated in a fair manner.
- To enable complaints to be resolved as speedily as possible.
- To allow consequences of mistakes to be put right without unnecessary conflict.
- To improve the quality of the service.
Who can complain?
- Any client or NDIS participant who has sought or received a service provided by Christine Urja Refalo
- A legal guardian or another appropriately authorized adult who initiates a complaint on behalf of a minor and/or a vulnerable adult who has sought or received a service provided by Christine Urja Refalo and cannot make a complaint themselves; or
- A third party, who speaks on behalf of another vulnerable person, or people directly affected by the actions of Christine Urja Refalo.
Option 1. You can contact the Psychotherapists and Counsellors Federation of Australia (PACFA) with whom I have my professional registration. They can be contacted on 03 9486 3077 or email for a call back. I have hard copies of their Grievance and Complaint forms available on request.
Option 2. For a NDIS participant, grievances and complaints can be submitted to the NDIS. They can be contacted on 1800 035 544 (free call from landlines) or use their complaint contact form on . Complaints can be made confidentially. A hard copy of the NDIS complaint information is available on request.
Option 3. If you are unhappy with any part of my service, or if you have a complaint to make, I would like to know about it as soon as possible in order to resolve the situation quickly. Please Contact Me
with your concern. I treat complaints seriously, confidentially and will take every opportunity to settle your concern informally. This may include telephone conversations and/or face to face meetings or a written explanation.